Calista primary

Cultural Committee

Our purpose is to provide a safe and supportive environment which enables students to strive for personal, social and academic success.

We prepare students to become functional citizens who are empowered to contribute to, and succeed in, an ever-changing society.

The Positive Behaviour Support team is comprised of a variety of Calista staff from admin and a range of year levels, which bring different perspectives and experience to our school environment. Our members include: Teana Jenkins, Brendan Wall, Cathy de Thierry, Hank Kordas, Michael Milbourne, Shane Aitken, Josh Atkinson, Sandra Stubbs, Mary Nia Nia, Tamika De Boick and Alissa de Souza.

our school values


Our school acronym is


Safe - protected from or not exposed to danger or risk.

Aspiring- is looking forward to something with great desire, hoping for some dream or goal to come true, or working towards making something happen.

Inclusive- including everyone, no matter the differences.

Life-long learners- learning opportunities throughout people’s lives in order to foster the continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfilment.

fortnightly foci

term 1

Weeks 1 and 2- We greet others positively across the school (inclusive).

Weeks 3 and 4- We move safely around the school, by walking (safe).

Weeks 5 and 6- We are sun smart, by wearing our hats outside (safe).

Weeks 7 and 8- We ensure that we are safe by sitting down whilst eating (lifelong learners).

Weeks 9 and 10- We understand cyber safety rules and adhere to them (safe).

captains club

The Calista Captain’s Club representatives for Semester Two were recently awarded.
Congratulations to…

Year 1- Leland Anderson, Aiden Hudson, Jessica Mann and Nevayah Hall

Year 2- Kalaiy Tuck and Bethanie Trainor

Year 3- Scarlett Christie and Erika Apalona

Year 4- Vincent Petrangelo and Jahli Bagaconza

Year 5- Misha Tome and Ramzi Azmizan

Year 6- Telisha Ryan, Eliesa Pollard

PBS team selection- Lyndon Brown and Summer-Rose Lawton



The PBS Art Display was entered by some very talented students from our school community.

Misha Tome’s excellent art piece was the clear winner with 163 votes!

The runner-up received 26 votes and third place with 19 votes.